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Bento FSM: Water and Sewerage Networks

Bento FSM: Water and Sewerage Networks

Automate your field work: manual meter readings, receipts, interventions!

With BENTO FSM‘s manual water meter reading service management application, you improve the productivity and performance of your mobile workforce!

BENTO FSM solution is a powerful tool that optimizes the scheduling of large volumes of manual water meter readings and empowers field technicians! Packed with powerful functionality, the application provides the tools needed for Water industry professionals to successfully perform their daily activities.

Close-up Of A Male Technician Doing Meter Reading Using Mobilephone
Deliver manual water meter reading services at the highest level of accuracy!
  1. Receive real-time orders for manual meter reading in the field, receipts and technical interventions
  2. Scheduling visits for manual field meter reading, collections and technical interventions
  3. Centralized view of all planned daily interventions
  4. Optimization of technician team routes to reduce travel time and fuel costs
  5. Implementation of execution scenarios for each type of manual meter reading/ intervention/ order, thus eliminating human errors
  6. Completion and printing of documents on site – notices, contracts, invoices, findings, incident details
  7. Activity/timekeeping reports reflecting daily, monthly, weekly activity of technicians
  8. Parts stock management
  9. Real time communication from the field – details of manual meter readings, meter information (series, seals), availability etc.
  10. Coordination of teams of technicians in real time according to the specifics of the intervention